Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Day of School

Today was officially Jeff's first day of school. It was pretty exciting to finally be started with this grad school thing. He had two days of orientation on Monday and Tuesday.  This picture was taken on Monday before orientation. He looks real awake, doesn't he. Jeff has already met a group of guys that he is getting to know and so far seems to enjoy going to school. Although this may in fact be because he has not had much to study yet. 

Yesterday Chel went to the little fitness room and got their before the old guy who steals the remote. The t.v.'s were on when the the old guy showed up, and he still walked around until he found the remote. He then proceeded to hide the remote in his clothing. Chel was on the bike about to get up, get the remote and change the channel when he walked in. She was kind of upset, except in his defense she was listening to her ipod and reading her book. But there was another guy in there who she thinks really was watching the t.v.

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