Saturday, August 23, 2008


One of the missionaries Jeff knew while on his mission, Tyler,  invited us to go hiking. So we went with him, his friend, and us. We hiked up Camelback Mountain. We got up at five in the morning. met up with the other guys, and drove on over to the trailhead. We saw lots of people already coming down. We soon realized that we started a little late, the sun was out and it was hot. There was no shade on the trail and no dirt so we hiked in the sun on rocks. It was fine until the trail gets really steep so some sections were hiked with hands on the rocks to keep you steady. On the way down the rocks had been in the sun long enough that they were kind of hot to the touch. It was very hot and everyone was sweating quite a bit. In fact most people were sweating so much it was quite literally could see puddles on some of the rocks:) The view from the top was pretty which made it worth the heat. It was fun to be able to reach the top of the mountain in only 1.5 miles. It was also about 1500 ft elevation climb to reach a total elevation of about 2200 ft. 

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