Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Presents

Most of the Christmas presents we gave people were handmade be Chelan this year. Because of that not as much time lately has been spent on anything else. Even the 12 hour drive up to Utah was spent sewing. We were finally able to put my sewing machine away and get our dining room table back. The how-to books have finally been returned to the library and it was fun to give everyone their gifts.
I quilted a wall hanging for the parents. That means that I had to make two of these.

Here is a picture where you can see the back.
And a close up of the snowman.

These were a little harder than expected because I have sewn and pieced quilts but I have never done quilting. So I had to read up on how to do it properly. I also have not sewn on too many buttons, and between these two, I had to sew on 32 of them. It is lots of fun to see the finished product. Unfortunately I have not gotten the other presents to all of my sisters, so I should not post pictures of those until I get them.

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