Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Every year I have made a different meal for jeff that ends up entirely green. Some years there is a little more dye used than other years. This was a year for a little more die. Mostly because I wanted breadfast burritos. They were on spinach tortillas, with cheese dyed green and some eggs that were a little bluish but still green. When I was making the eggs I thought all the way back to elementary school where I learned if you mix yellow with blue it makes green. So I decided to add blue to the eggs to get them green. Didn't work. It just turned them blue. Then I added some green and a little yellow. But they still turned a little blue. I also colored the orange juice. It was funny because Jeff hadn't picked up on the green theme yet (I know crazy?), so when he looked at the juice he said "what is this crap?" I had to tell him that it was all green before he clued in. It was pretty funny. And here was the mess afterwords. If you look closely, the only die you can see is the blue one! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Semms not so delicious, hehe!!!